Programming API Reference: EduGraf.Cameras

Class public Camera

This is the camera abstraction. The camera is oriented such that the x-z plane is horizontal.
Property public Projection Projection { get; }: that is applied
Property public float Pitch { get; set; }: of this camera.
Property public float Yaw { get; set; }: of this camera.
Property public View View { get; }: from this camera.
Property protected MouseButton PressedButtons { get; set; }: the set of mouse buttons that is currently pressed.


Create a new camera.

Method protected static float Limit()

Limit the value in the given range plus and minus around zero.
  • float value
  • float range

Method public ( Point3 topLeft Point3 topRight Point3 bottomLeft Point3 bottomRight) GetProjectionPlane()

Return the world positions of the projection plane in unit distance from the camera position. This is useful to calculate the view-frustum.
  • float aspect : the relation of projection width over height.

Method public virtual void Handle()

Hande the input event. Pass this to the window inorder to receive the events.
  • InputEvent e