Programming API Reference: EduGraf.Tensors

Class public Matrix3

: Tensor
This represents a matrix in 4d homogeneous space.


  • params float[elements
  • public static readonly Matrix3 Identity
  • Method public static Matrix3 Scale()

    Create a new transformation matrix scaling in all axis directions by the same factor.
    • float factor

    Method public static Matrix3 Scale()

    Create a new transformation matrix scaling by varying factors in the different axis directions.
    • float x
    • float y

    Method public static Matrix3 Scale()

    Create a new scaling matrix from a vector.

    Method public static Matrix3 Translation()

    Create a new transformation matrix representing translation by a vector.

    Method public static Matrix3 Rotation()

    Create a new transformation matrix representing rotation around the z axis.
    • float angle : in radians

    Operator public static Matrix3 *()

    Operator public static Vector3 *()

    Indexer public float  this[]  { get; set; }
    Return matrix-elements.
    • int row
    • int col

    Method public Matrix3 Transposed()
