Programming API Reference: EduGraf.Tensors

Struct public readonly Vector3

This represents a displacement in 3d-space.
  • public static readonly Vector3 Zero
  • public static readonly Vector3 UnitX
  • public static readonly Vector3 UnitY
  • public static readonly Vector3 UnitZ
  • Property public float X { get; }: -coordinate
    Property public float Y { get; }: -coordinate
    Property public float Z { get; }: -coordinate
    Property public float[Elements { get; }: see interface property
    Indexer public float  this[]  { get }
    Get the coordinate-value by index.
    • int index

    Method public Vector4 Extend()

    Return a homogeneous vector with the given additional component.
    • float w
    Property public float Length { get; }: euclidean length of this vector.

    Operator public static Vector3 +()

    Operator public static Vector3 -()

    Operator public static Vector3 -()

    Operator public static Vector3 *()

    Operator public static Vector3 *()

    Operator public static float *()

    Operator public static bool ==()

    Operator public static bool !=()

    Method public static Vector3 Cross()

    Return the cross product of this vector with r.

    Method public static Vector3 Normalize()

    Return a new vector in the same direction with length 1.

    Method public static Vector3 Reflect()

    Return the incoming direction with the normal.