Programming API Reference: EduGraf.OpenGL

Class public abstract GlGraphic

: Graphic
This is the generic OpenGL implementation of the Graphic abstraction.

Method public override Shading CreateShading()

Refer to the documentation of the class Graphic.

Method public override Surface CreateSurface()

Refer to the documentation of the class Graphic.

Method public override VisualPart CreateVisual()

Refer to the documentation of the class Graphic.

Method public override TextureHandle CreateTexture()

Refer to the documentation of the class Graphic.
  • Image<Rgba32image

Method public override void Render()

Refer to the documentation of the class Graphic.

Method public TextureHandle CreateRgbTexture()

Create a newn rgb-texture with pixel-type unsigned byte.
  • int width
  • int height

Method public TextureHandle CreateRedTexture()

Create a new texture with a single color channel.
  • int width
  • int height

Method public void TakePicture()

Take a color-picture of the scene and store it in the provided texture.