Programming API Reference: EduGraf

Class public Visual

This represents a visual or a group of visuals that can be transformed together.
Property public string Name { get; }: for debugging purposes (not used by the framework)
Property public IEnumerable<VisualChildren { get }: added directly to this
Property public Matrix4 Transform { get; set; }: applied to this; overall transform = product of this and all ancestors

Method public void Add()

Add a child visual to below this.

Method public void ClearChildren()

Remove all children.

    Method public bool Remove()

    Remove a specific child.

    Method public virtual void Render()

    Do not call this from application programs.

      Method public virtual Visual Scale()

      Scale all descendants in all axis directions by the same factor.
      • float factor : in world units.

      Method public virtual Visual Scale()

      Scale descendants by varying factors in the different axis directions.

      Method public virtual Visual Translate()

      Translate descendants by a vector.
      • Vector3 direction : in world units.

      Method public virtual Visual RotateX()

      Rotate descendants around the x-axis.
      • float angle : in radians

      Method public virtual Visual RotateY()

      Rotate descendants around the y-axis.
      • float angle : in radians

      Method public virtual Visual RotateZ()

      Rotate descendants around the z-axis.
      • float angle : in radians