Programming API Reference: EduGraf.Lighting

Class public abstract LightingBase

This is the abstract base class for lights and materials. The methods must only be used to describe light and material properties.
Property protected Point3 SurfacePosition { get }: the current point on the surface.
Property protected Vector3 SurfaceNormal { get }: the current surface normal.
Property protected Point3 CameraPosition { get }: when passed to Window.Show().

Method protected T ValueOf()

refer to a calculated property.
  • Expression<Func<T>expression

Method protected T ValueOf()

refer to a calculated property.
  • Expression<Func<Material T>expression

Method protected float LengthOf()

get the length of a vector.

Method protected Vector3 VectorOf()

Create a new 3d vector.
  • float x
  • float y
  • float z

Method protected Vector4 VectorOf()

Create a new 4d vector.
  • float x
  • float y
  • float z
  • float w

Method protected Color3 ColorOf()

Create a new color without transparency.
  • float r
  • float g
  • float b

Method protected Color4 ColorOf()

Create a new color with transparency.
  • float r
  • float g
  • float b
  • float a

Method protected Color4 ColorOf()

Add transparency to a color.

Method protected Color3 Add()

Blend colors additively.