Programming API Reference: EduGraf.Tensors

Struct public readonly Matrix4

This represents a matrix in 4d homogeneous space.
    Property public float[Elements { get; }: see interface property


    Create a matrix with 16 elements.
    • params float[elements
  • public static readonly Matrix4 Identity
  • Method public static Matrix4 Scale()

    Create a new transformation matrix scaling in all axis directions by the same factor.
    • float factor

    Method public static Matrix4 Scale()

    Create a new transformation matrix scaling by varying factors in the different axis directions.
    • float x
    • float y
    • float z

    Method public static Matrix4 Scale()

    Create a new scaling matrix from a vector.

    Method public static Matrix4 Translation()

    Create a new transformation matrix representing translation by a vector.

    Method public static Matrix4 RotationX()

    Create a new transformation matrix representing rotation around the x-axis.
    • float angle : in radians

    Method public static Matrix4 RotationY()

    Create a new transformation matrix representing rotation around the y-axis.
    • float angle : in radians

    Method public static Matrix4 RotationZ()

    Create a new transformation matrix representing rotation around the z-axis.
    • float angle : in radians

    Operator public static Matrix4 *()

    Operator public static Vector4 *()

    Operator public static Matrix4 *()

    Indexer public float  this[]  { get; set; }
    Return matrix-elements.
    • int row
    • int col
    Property public Lazy<Matrix4Transposed { get; }: of this matrix

    Method public static Matrix4 GetView()

    Returns the matrix corresponding to the given view.

    Method public static Matrix4 GetOrthographicProjection()

    Returns the orthographic projection-matrix.
    • float width
    • float height
    • float near
    • float far

    Method public static Matrix4 GetPerspectiveProjection()

    Returns the perspective projection-matrix.
    • float fovY
    • float aspect
    • float near
    • float far

    Method public static Point3 GetProjectionCenter()

    Returns the intersection of the plane with the ray staring from the camera with direction n.

    Method public static Matrix4 GetOffCenterProjection()

    Returns the perspective projection-matrix in case the camera view is not orthogonal and centered with respect to the projection plane.